
The pictures on this page show how we work together with our partners to meet all the requirements of our solutions. The drawings and pictures illustrate different projects that we have worked on. Sometimes only extracts are shown.

Examples of calculations

  • Comparison tension
  • Wind load and deflection
  • Mast wall anchoring
  • Electromagnetic optimization

Comparison tension in a telecom mast

Stress points and different forces.

Comparison voltage in a telecom mast

Jämförelsespänning i en telekommast - detalj

(Images: Tau Beräkning)

Wind load and deflection

Here we can see how different forces work along the mast.

Utböjning av telekommast

Vindlast på telekommast

FE model

Utböjning - FE-modell

(Images: Tau Beräkning. The images are from different projects.)

Calculation of mast wall anchoring

Calculation of anchoring of mast in wall

(Source: Hilti calculation document)

Electromagnetic optimization

The picture shows the result of electromagnetic calculation with the FEM software tool. Here a 900 MHz GSM antenna inside of a round Tecryl shroud.

Electromagnetic optimization